Get inspired!

I want to share my inspiration, influences, and friends with you. Below you’ll find a handful of those things.



Heart over hand

artist, maker

Abby Crenshaw is one of my greatest friends and an incredible artist. Not only is she an artist, but she is also an art teacher and she performs aerial - basically a super cool human. She is full of witty puns, fun illustrations, and a passion that makes you love her instantly. 



Daniel Gerbis - @looming_moon

Tattoo artist

This tattoo artist turned friend is one awesome dude. His work is often inspired by something as simple as a song lyric that he has turned into an entire work of art. He is beyond great at what he does and he is one of the most humble people that I have ever met. 


Ready Player One

Book, Author: Ernest Cline

This book changed my life. The writing, the imagery, and the twists and turns kept me on edge throughout the entire story. I have read this book countless times and the magic of it never gets old.


Maggie - @coffeeandcardio


This Instagram account is one that helps ground me and I find peace in scrolling through her feed. She is genuine, authentic, and her approach to having a social media presence is mentally healthy. I take my mental health very seriously and I strive to surround myself with positive outlets and this account is educational in so many ways, yet so calming.



Olivia James Art

Artist, painter

Olivia New is another best friend of mine. We’ve been super close friends since 4th grade - that’s a long time! She has always been a phenomenal artist and I have looked up to her creativity in so many ways. She has completed some of the most beautiful paintings and she is a BOSS at what she does. 


Chino Moreno


Music has always been a giant part of my life. Since I was in elementary school, I have been in love with Deftones and they are still one of my favorite bands. Chino is a musical genius, all projects considered and his lyrics have greatly inspired me over the years. 


Josh Owens Photo


I know, I know - I’m biased, right? But truly, I’m always so in awe of Josh’s ideas and how hard he works to achieve a goal. Don’t take my word for it, check him out! 

